The Conversationalist: Part 2 - A New Beginning

David Poulter
21 min readJul 9, 2019

The Organization did not exist in my mind any more. I’d dumped it.

And I had never been involved in violence, you had to be clean, fresh and “good” to work for a group like that. A few self defence courses but all done in a friendly manner. All of these aspects are an obvious way — for training in the long run — for what we were hired to do: certain analyses. Other organizations did other things. All need to know.

Things I know: A certain perspective while working for Far Eye, my DNA sequencing — aka my condition, and that’s it.

Things I suspect: Things nobody wants to think about, but a lot of it is on the net.

Big Time

Time marches on they say, time flies: idioms. But real time? Time on your hands? Well, I, myself perceive time as speeding up. But that is just a psychological effect. The lines on my face tell; I have lived quite a number of years. And the years going by now represent smaller and smaller fractions of my overall life, for younger people there are long memorable summers, everlasting cold winters…

Yet real time — Einstein’s time? It stretches and shrinks; it is a piece of elastic. We are in it, it is wrapped around us.

And now I believe in Big Time. I believe I have entered into it occasionally. And from that vantage point I saw something.
Everything is happening now and in one and the same place — weird maybe — but it’s where Big Time is. From that point you can see all of it.

A Dream :

I`m sitting on a chair, and I have a headdress on. I am wearing some sort of long gown. My head is supported by my left hand , clenched in a fist, resting on my left ear and cheek. My left elbow rests on my left knee. I am staring straight ahead…

It is all about a certain type of analysis. Trying to basically put yourself into the shoes — so to speak — of the person in their context and in their era. And the image here is a message. That is obvious to me.
But I’ve started testing myself, and researching, because I have a theory. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said — “Our strength grows out of our weakness.”

Do you dream? I had daydreams as a younger man and dream during sleep.That’s REM and I guess you are familiar with it — it’s like diving into water: you’ve got to pass through the surface water to reach the deep. Then back out. On awakening you’ve just passed through REM and breaking through the surface — the interface — you reach consciousness. Yet recently I decided to completely quit any kind of day dreaming, by consciously making an effort on focusing on everything I do. I wanted to attempt to live exactly in the present, and throw out most of my thinking about the future and the past.

This led to a curious opposite, as my dreams during sleep seemingly started to reverberate in times gone by and possible future scenarios. I had entered Big Time.

A Dream :

The paper must be of the best quality, there are preliminary sketches that must be done and objects to collect, and ultimately the mathematics to be worked out.

Goofy Ideas

I decided to take the whole thing further: Experiment on myself. You see, unfortunately, I really did have a weakness I was born with. I guess, in my case, it is a hereditary condition. But that later, I needed a new location.

I moved to a secluded, rural spot and settled down. And ultimately, I discovered something goofy and I later tried various things to test it. But for now — Where are we ? That is to say — The Human Race. Ever thought why it is said Buddha went off alone to meditate. Jesus in the wilderness, Mohammad in a cave. But let’s forget about religion, it’s in the story later and it’s not so good. Anyway isolation can be fun, as long as the necessities are available.

My weakness was I didn’t really care. Well, put another way, I was very logical and not so emotional. Maybe in the Autistic spectrum, I don’t know, if so certainly mild I’d say and obviously not a savant. But clinical findings indicate such disorders come with an above average risk of schizophrenia as well. So with serial monogamy my partners would fluctuate passionately, sometimes wildly, with me wobbling level. And no real friends and I liked it. And then eventually there were the voices.

Zuri disappeared…And that’s where I discovered you’ve got to get used to how to deal with — what I call — “ the Package” — others — “the Handshake”…And I hope to see Zuri again as I felt her mind.

A Dream :

The copperplate engraving is complete. There is a message encoded into it for future generations to read. The Artist wants the prints to be disseminated.

I have been to Big Time again and seen myself in the past. I go there now regularly in my dreams. There is a man there and he is drawing me. I guess I could be his model. He is very clever: artist, mathematician, mystic, Christian? And the image he is creating carries, information. Yet the symbolism and allegorical depictions are directly connected to his era. And he has a feeling something is waiting for humanity in the future.

The truth is we are all inter-meshed; there is no escape. After quieting my mind I can observe it all in action. The mechanisms have all been laid bare. I am a part of it, yet as a schizophrenic I can absorb others’ moods instantly and analyze or reflect them back.

So living alone I tied into things, I became them.

A Dream :

I know there is a date and symbolic meanings. The message is for people five centuries into the future. At that time the world will be very different.

But his concept is connected to thinking.

In his mind the world will tear apart.

I am in another dream. I am the model — I can feel the mood of the era. And the Artist is enveloped by it: trapped in his time, constrained by society — Christian. Yet he wants love and acceptance; he has embraced True Humanism. A flawed genius: fluctuating massively between egotism and despair. A progressive, intellectual and sensitive man. But sometimes paranoid and worried about life.

His feelings are not officially acceptable for the time. And he likes me a lot. He loves me.

The State of Tech and The Number

Do you know there is a Tropical Island where a company makes the smallest chips available for commercial use. Hey, I would say they have special contracts for the military. They deal with everyone and they are ahead of everyone.

They’ve been down to seven Nano for well over a year, five has been completed, tested and been installed, it’s officially now in the trial production phase — most likely mass produced by 2020. Three is down the line for 2023.

Big tech companies have been building an awful lot of servers in the Arctic circle area, nice temperatures for cooling, lots of land and nobody cares much. Lots of them underground too.

Meanwhile the amount of AI programs being created is exponential.

That’s the plan. It is going to be “the Cloud” : A Platform, Software, Infrastructure. No hard drives or memory space. The gigahertz frequency is increasing — so a faster speed and less power.

You have the infrastructure — everything you use. The AI is the messenger hooking up with the Cloud Platform in the hands of the Military Industrial complex, surrounded by huge corporations.

Remember President Eisenhower ? Probably not. In his farewell speech he said watch out for the Military Industrial complex.

In my own Bubble

I used an old bicycle to get around — hey, incidentally did you know in the mid 1800s the internal combustion engine was created, and in 1844 the Morse telegraph started using paper type and electric currents. Well, we still have mainly the former but the latter, that is telecommunications, has developed and expanded significantly due to government investment just under a decade ago — just a thought. Anyway, I chopped wood and drew water from a stream to fill a tank.

Being schizophrenic enables you to be aware of the world of thought and control it to a certain degree. I can live in the moment and chase thought. I can change the channel. Living alone is good because very few people think of you unless you are famous. For my purposes it was best to be forgotten.

We are all in our own bubble for sure.
But the interface exists where boundaries touch and mingle. And we are in sync with each other. Thought is in a null-time void? Most likely.
Well I built up positive entities with everybody and everything. Living in a remote place made it easy with people: A couple of distant neighbors and a few store clerks. So being alone things had to be done — but the chores were a pleasure. Talked to the bucket and the water, the ax and the woodpile, the pots and pans, and the food — thanked them all. Imagine being positive and in the moment all day.

In that state, in the evening, you can imagine anyone from history and kind of like them. And that’s the goofy thing. You get their good sides, if you just find a tiny part you admire. And you will get info.

So it all started by drawing. Something to do after dark. A way to relax and pass the time — something I’d gotten involved with before.

The Man Himself: Durer and an Evening by the Fire

The artist Durer. I liked him. I liked his style.

Born in Nuremberg May 21st 1471

Died in Nuremberg April 6th 1528

He was the son of a Hungarian Immigrant, but he loved his mother more. Complicated background: Mixed East and West European ancestry with mixed religious backgrounds.

Drew himself in a head wrap in his journeyman years. Studies of landscapes and people hitting photographic realism, odd self-portraits.

Trapped in his time, yes. Prejudiced? We read a lot but do we try to understand his mind? He’d fluctuate, an emotional man: didn’t like himself and didn’t like his family, and life sometimes. He’d hate and fear a lot of things. Didn’t like his wife initially — things being arranged. Didn’t like the Catholic Church. Liked women and men. Bisexual. Drew a lot, always drawing. Lots of time to contemplate.

Born 20 years after printmaking was invented there; it was like an internet boom.

Sold and disseminated bizarre prints.Woodcuts, copper engravings, minute detail, symbolism. Many styles and influences. Biblical themes, Classical style. Legends, fables, metaphors and allegories.

Sketches, watercolors, gouache, oil. Portraits, still lives, big colorful scenes from the New Testament. A self-portrait looking like Christ.

Star maps of the skies — from 1515 — accurate constellations of the Northern Hemisphere. “The Four Books on Measurement” — books on geometry: Principles of mathematics, perspective and ideal proportions.

But with the Catholic Church policing there were difficult times — factions, torture, and executions. In 1494 he made his first trip to Italy.

And in 1498 Durer returned to Nuremberg and published 15 woodcuts of the Apocalypse. Meanwhile, Savonarola — an Italian Dominican Friar — denounced Church corruption and exploitation of the poor, and enlisted the help of the youth of Florence. He was hanged and burned in Florence in the same year, aged 45.

Anyway, hidden codes in Durer’s work? Some experts say so.

Contemporaries: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Bellini of Venice.

Along with this, Martin Luther entered nearby Wittenburg University, Germany in 1508, he would split the church in 1517 with his 95 Theses, beginning the Reformation and Protestantism.

Durer — A kind of complex guy who was molded by the era. He eventually embraced the Protestant Church. Anyhow, he produced an incredible amount of work.

And some of his work has been misread and renamed, “hidden”, reinterpreted.

The Nazi party did use his Der Reiter much later — the first of the so-called “Meisterstiche” — engravings — but also used the ancient Swastika — from Sanskrit meaning well being. One found in the Ukraine 12000 years old. Buddhism a symbol of good fortune. So…

And I had been having visions of his “Melencolia I”. You may even be familiar with it yourself — The last of the “Meisterstiche”. A small copperplate engraving — 9.4 by 7.4 inches — yet the details have such resolution the whole image can be enlarged to many meters. Durer completed it in 1514 with the second one — “Saint Jerome in his Study”. He gave prints of both away together for free — nobody is sure why and what he was trying to say — even today.

So that was what my dreams were about.

“The Sirians”

Working for the Organization I did a lot of background reading. And “sent” my mind to various places.

Do you know one of the oldest, largest, surviving libraries in the world is The Library of Ashurbanipal, from Nineveh — modern day Mosul, Iraq.
Founded in the 7th century BCE by Assyrian King Ashurbanipal.
One of the last Kingdoms, a well established ancient Kingdom. Large: Med coast — Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, parts of Turkey — the Caucasus and into Iran, parts of north Africa, practically one million square kilometers — Ashurbanipal inherited most of it.

The Library — all written in Cuneiform — from different historical periods. A writing system not a language. Used to write any kind of info. Ashurbanipal collected knowledge, an intellectual scholar himself. The contents? — The scribal traditions, old myths, legends, Babylonian texts, by scholars forced to write, divinations, omens, medicine, astronomy, literature — legislation, financial matters…So many topics.

It was found by Austen Henry Layard and Hormuzd Rassam in 1849 — practically 30,000 tablets, even so experts say probably up to 90 percent — other stuff — was lost or destroyed when the Empire fell around 612 BCE.

And the Babylonian creation myth is recorded — “Fish creatures” arrive — Messengers of the Gods and told people knowledge.

Then the Flood and the “Fish Creatures” did not return. Humans wrote down everything they could remember. Scholars dressed like fish for rituals.

The Flood ? — It happened — For one, check out J Harlen Bretz — September 2 1822 — February 3 1981 — he was an American geologist who researched into the Missoula floods. Bretz conducted research of the Columbia River Plateau, beginning in 1922 and for the next 7 years. He found massive erosion in basalt deposits and wrote 15 papers. The area was a desert but had been a cataclysmic flood area. He was ignored.

And today, here’s reality — impact craters worldwide — Hiawatha glacier NW Greenland 31 km wide. Layers indicating incredible heat: melt glass sites, high-temperature spherules, nanodiamonds. Fossils indicating mass extinctions of large animals, declines in species of plants worldwide — Pilauco site, Chile. Biomass burning with layers of charcoal, soot. Large changes in the atmosphere from ice core samples. All happening around 12,800–11,600 years ago. The ice-age ended abruptly and see levels rose dramatically.

The Sumerians and other Anomalies

Have you ever worked with hand tools? I had to living out in the wilds. Things take time and being accurate is not always possible.

So that being said while fixing a copper pipe — a reasonably soft metal — in the old house I considered the Serapeum of Saqqara — a necropolis near Memphis in Lower Egypt — Bronze Age. Twenty-seven rose and black granite, and diorite boxes with lids, weighing up to 70 tons or more each. Twenty-four placed perfectly in narrow alcoves connected to tunnels all carved into the bedrock. Smooth, polished precisely cut — Auguste Mariette who found the site used dynamite to blow a hole in one. He couldn’t move the lid — in 1850 no one could — it was impossible. Anyway, they were later discovered to be all empty.

Looking at the night sky is a beautiful experience. The planets, the stars, galaxies, infinity? The constellations. Astrology? Not for me. But the 12 signs? Patterns the stars make with indefinite boundaries. Regardless, the idea of 12 has been carried into the present age — 12 hours a day. And 60 — seconds and minutes. Thank the Sumerians. A curious bunch. Seemed to appear from nowhere, yet a great civilization between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers — now present day Syria/Iraq near the Persian Gulf. Created Cuneiform writing around six thousand years ago apparently.

Tablets and cylinder seals showing Saturn with rings and other planets — an obsession and dedication with large numbers using base 60. Knowledge of Precession of the Equinoxes — where the Earth wobbles on its axis and the astrological signs change behind the spring sun rising — taking roughly 25,920 years.

Anyway, I’d relocated to another island. I’d originally been living in the Tropics but I’d moved to a temperate climate. The house was pretty remote and had few amenities. The roof was originally thatch but had, in the last few decades, been covered with corrugated iron — now rusty.

The surrounding land which once had been covered in small farms was now completely forested.

I went out to collect wood with a bow saw I found in a nearby old shed. Being in a northerly latitude the winter days were a lot shorter. So I sometimes ventured out on clear nights when the moon was full. The forestry technically belonged to some quasi-government department but private contractors were hired to clear fell and plant. Whole areas looked like war zones where felling had occurred recently — shattered tree trunks, tangled branches, and the ground pitted and rutted from heavy machinery.

Occasionally I’d come across remnants of the past — broken cast iron cauldrons, fairly large and half buried, stone foundations, and old paths. A million people starved here — men, women and children. Why? Because an empire created an artificial famine. When potato blight struck, tenant families were thrown out of their homes, and all other food sources were taken away: Ireland in the late 1840s under British rule. So what’s new ? History is a nightmare.

So the “Package” or as others call it “the Handshake” — Does the dark spook you? Do you believe in ghosts? Being out in the woods I’d see things out of the corner of my eye. And that’s when “the Package” arrives. A person’s mind sucks in an emotional state, sometimes with a concept — nervousness, fear, dread, alarm, panic. The list is numerous.

But I am in a clearing hand sawing wood by moonlight and I don’t want to cut myself. So the answer is dump the “Package”. Look around your environment and focus. “The Package” will go away. And that’s the point, these feelings we have, often are illogical, irrational, and the past is a vibration that can effect us. As long as the surroundings are safe, dump the “Package.”– change the channel. You can even ignore it, it takes time but it is manageable.

The Real “Sirians”

People bullshit — for want of a better word — think of the government, an obvious example. So we have various stars and star groupings in the night-sky that all seem important, somehow connected to ancient cultures: Sirius, The Pleiades, Orion.

But you can check — they are all too young. Yet they are noticeable. Sirius for example is the brightest star in the night sky, but “the Sirians” came from none of them.

The whole idea was a ruse. Worship and alignment of ancient structures to instill devotion and mystery. Just one more way to encourage emotional reactions.

A useful way to get an undeveloped species to believe. “The Sirians” in actual fact came originally from a system in Andromeda — but that’s just local when regarding the Universe. Visible as a blurred smudge to the naked eye — not that fantastic to be worshiped — “the Sirians” took advantage of what was there to get the human race exalted, devoted and filled with awe.

How far ahead are they technologically-wise? It’s really hard to say. We are a project, an experiment. They work in areas where we have no idea, beyond anything imaginable.

But I do feel they perceive a much bigger picture, which encompasses astral existence and unknown other states. Evolution and devolution beyond the physical.

Analogous to amphibians “the Sirians” developed and evolved from aquatic, reptilian carnivores — incredibly intelligent yet totally lacking emotions. Millions of years ahead in evolution and technology.
Grown and “born” from tanks — “the Sirians” have no real family bonding.

Even though I have my own perceptions of them I wouldn’t want to get sucked in by their minds. Therefore I rarely attempt to receive their thoughts with them being so different and ahead in so many ways.

“The Sirians” arrived sometime way before “the Flood” bearing gifts, but not out of any kindness — they wanted us to experience more, and took advantage of causality, they could see in the long run a deeper experience — The Great Emotional Experiment.

What does a being do when it knows logically so much but has never ever witnessed true feelings? “The Sirians” as a race with expanding intelligence, just followed paths to gain new info. Hence the growing of “emotional experiences”. Emotions are really a powerful force often without logic or reasoning. For now I’d just say they wanted a great range of these “essences” and foresaw by offering things we’d naturally go in a certain direction.

The Sumerians — a refugee people who gave rise to other civilizations — were on the run after the cataclysm and eventually wrote everything down from oral tradition, some of them vague ideas — resulting in legends and myths. The reason for mining gold is another ruse — just the beginnings of capitalism, along with the empty Serapeum of Saqqara, the Great Pyramid — all planned as nothing more than psychological tricks to fire the emotions. And “the Sirians” have been hanging around watching, “helping and hindering” — poking the ants’ nest — that’s us — from time to time, right up to the present day.

And the tenth planet with its 3600 year cycle — true enough to a point, but more of that later.

Who ultimately created us — a question I can’t answer. I tried many times to tune in, but it seems whatever did it knew emotional development is incredibly slow, and to get there experience is a necessity. So with free will being everything…

And science today admits 95 percent of the Universe is missing somehow — that’s us as well by the way — it’s beyond our experiments and knowledge — just labeled “dark matter and energy” for convenience sake, but that’s where big time is hiding. The visible, detectable Universe? We are just tiny fluctuations emanating from something bigger. The edge 13.7 billion light years away? That’s just our perspective, something lies beyond that boundary, things looking in the opposite direction.

And language is misused. Dark just means close to oneself — like myself — or somehow compacted: Not evil. Just like “the Sirians” themselves — no “real” evil intent I’d say, when you have no emotions, all things are just knowledge. From our perspective the brain and the Universe are similar.


So back to Durer. Christ had been Anglicized by the Catholic Church and artists of the Renaissance had no choice. For Durer an intelligent man, he had on occasion painted himself. And as I said in 1514 he created two copperplate engravings: “St Jerome in his Study” and “Melencolia I” which he both gave away — the last two so-called “Meisterstiche” — master engravings.

Jerome was born around 370 BCE on the border of Dalmatia and Pannonia.

In the print of “Saint Jerome” Durer has the monk writing at a desk, with a statuette of Jesus nailed to the cross on it. Jerome translated the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into Vulgate (common version) Latin. It took him 23 years until 405.

It’s another picture full of symbolism. A large plant gourd hanging from the ceiling represents a controversy with St Augustine about translating the name of a fast growing plant in Hebrew, in the Story of Jonah.

Melencolia is his version of the Second Coming but that’s just basically means the end of the world, well the end of the biosphere for us for an interim. Amongst many things there is a comet and a rainbow in the background, at the bottom the carpenter’s tools are obvious references to Christ’s life, his version of a Plato solid on the left, and an hourglass with a sundial and a magic square at the top. Everything centers on a weeping cherub on a millstone inscribing on a tablet. The larger figure to the right is an angel holding compasses, staring morosely into the distance — and that was me, his model, in my dreams.

Durer admired the Greeks, loved Plato and his ideas. He wanted Classicist concepts incorporated into his time. The Church was narrow-minded, it inspired mob rule, something Plato warned against and disliked. Look at the octahedron’s surface, the side presented to the viewer — don’t you see scattered islands of the Aegean leading to Italy? The solid is chipped and old — Ancient Classical ideas coming to Rome.

Look at the hourglass — time is running out. The sundial with its pointer casts a shadow on the 11th hour, the pointer itself just past two — it’s us just entering the third millennium.

And then the magic square — 666 the number in Revelation — on the left-hand side. The third six is hidden under the inverted five. The nine below — a small fish hanging from a zero. The fish as a symbol? — I’m sure you know. The whole composition is full of symbolism, multilayered, connected to his beliefs, his feelings and his family Have a look for yourself…

He’d seen something but he just couldn’t get the exact date…He was pretty close though for someone 500 years ago in the past …

With his mother’s illness and death in the same year, giving him emotional stress, he saw things in his mind’s eye.

So I’m going to go into the future in my mind to find out…

The Tenth Planet

Mentioned in the Sumerian texts is the tenth planet. Home of the gods and with a cycle of 3600 years — “Only the wise knew where it went, sometimes it passes without causing harm and other times doom.” But in all honesty, well, it was a large comet, now a debris swarm. It was never home to anything. The real orbit ? Well, here’s what I know. It will come in from the south, most likely hitting Antarctica — three impacts — the first one is pretty big — mountain size — the second two a bit smaller. The cycle is beyond me. So no exact date, but relatively soon. And it’s from the Oort cloud.

Anyway to ancient people it was a celestial sign to be revered and feared. But for us now it is a genuine threat. Something that will cause a Mass Extinction Event.

“The Sirians” knew and know the cycle and dovetailed into it. It’s not a punishment or something sent. It’s just one part of all the ongoing cycles.
We could have done better as a race, worked together more and shared more info. By now we would have been better prepared, maybe we could have somehow averted it.

“The Sirians” ? They don’t care or worry about such things. It is just all part of an experiment. They knew the time window,
The biosphere will recover as it did before.
The Elite of the Earth knew it would happen controlled and distracted the masses. Made a few “deals” and worked with “the Sirians”, and kept everything to themselves.

They are going underground and out out into space. Well, let’s just say they are ready and prepared. It has always been like that, so I’m afraid that’s just the way it goes when you watch superhero movies, get engrossed in social media, eat fast food and believe in the mainstream news and the government.

A Vision

The sky is lit up orange.
Everything is on fire.
Burning hail is raining down.
I am gradually being cooked with infrared…
Ejecta from the comet and its impact are entering the Earth’s atmosphere.

I… I… I… just can’t get the date.

Because I’m kind of negative and crying.
I’m getting very emotional now.

I’m thinking of Zuri and I just can’t handle “the Package”.
Also I have this feeling that “the Sirians” are maybe getting a little kind of emotional too.

…And now I`m sitting on THAT chair again, and I have a headdress on. I am wearing some sort of long gown. …And… I am holding compasses — wearing white wings.



David Poulter

UK Leeds University Art Degree. Teaching English in Taiwan. Artist and Author. Schizophrenic.